Sunday, November 6, 2011

Life is crazy...but it's so worth it.

Have you ever had one of those days wherein one thing just happens after another? (Yes you have, don't deny it!) Well, fear not. You aren't the only one! There are days when I trip over the sidewalk trying to get to class in a hurry, only to arrive realize that I'd forgotten one of my books. Or when I fall asleep on my books while studying for a test. Or times when I absentmindedly walk halfway across campus, only to remember that I was supposed to be back on the other side in five minutes. Or when class is about to start and I can't find my pencil anywhere!

It's days like these when I run to Chapel and beg God to help me keep my sanity...but in doing so, I am reminded how very blessed I am to be able to actually be in Chapel. How many people have a Chapel within a couple of minute's walk? How many people are actually able to get an education? Only so many people have such a beautiful campus to walk around absentmindedly in. Goodness, there are probably people who have never even seen a pencil, much less know what it is!
Suddenly, the end of the world doesn't seem all too soon. Within a few seconds, God has turned my bumbling day into a day full of blessings.

And so, this is what this little blog is all about - finding the blessings in the crazy instances of life....
All in the life of your not-so-average Catholic college girl. =)

Without further ado, here's the inspiration for this blog:

1 comment:

  1. So true Cy! I have those days a lot lately. Thanks for the reminder of how blessed we are. I just need to continue giving it to God.
