Saturday, August 4, 2012

Tripping on Dust

Some people have the incredible ability to trip UP stairs. Or those tiny cracks in the sidewalk? Yups, it takes certain skills to trip on those too. And let's not forget the knack for tripping on dust! Pesky little things, those tiny pieces of dust. Unfortunately, I have that ability. Well when you have a million things on your mind, planning out your day on your way to class, and are always looking forward to what's up tend to fall...forward...and on your head.

It's not just walking down the street either; I seem to be able to do that with the rest of my life.
Not that looking forward to something is a bad thing. I mean, if you're stuck in an office for eight hours in the middle of summer when it's all bright and sunny outside, of course you're going to look forward to the end, right?

But that doesn't give me the excuse to forget to smile in the morning when it's most crucial. I can't be so wrapped up in thinking about the future when the person next to me is in need. Even if it's that halfhearted-sleepy-coffeedeprived hello in the morning, chances are they don't want to be there any more than you do and the least you both can do is get through it together.
I really am looking forward to the end of it all, but before I get there, it makes sense to watch the steps I take now to get there.
Tripping on dust. No wonder I've found myself flat on my face this summer!
The future will come eventually. But this very moment? It will never happen again.

After all, it's the little things in the present moment that help us get to Heaven.

‎"The most important hour is always the present; the most significant person is precisely the one who is sitting across from you right now; the most necessary work is always love."

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