Wednesday, July 4, 2012

"The Garden of the Soul"

Gardening does such wonders for your soul.

Doesn't it just give you an angsty feeling when your little garden is filled with dead leaves and twigs burying all your poor struggling plants, random bugs crawling through the misplaced mounds of dirt, and weeds parade in clumps? Well, it does for me anyway...

So this morning, I needed something to do; something to take my mind off all the dizziness of life. The past couple of days at work have been difficult and it was becoming hard to swallow words and keep myself from saying things that couldn't be taken back. I felt like the poor, neglected garden outside, pleading for a good blast of wind to carry all my dead leaves and twigs far, far away. After standing there for a few seconds, I snapped out of the fantasy that it actually would happen. I picked up a rake and began to comb the leaves out of the strands of green grass that were just beginning to grow.

As I continued to clean up the garden, it slowly began to reemerge before my eyes. I could hear the grass sing God's praises, happy to be able to reach up to Him; the buried plants breathed the fresh morning air; the light revisited the green and brightened it in vibrant patches. The entire garden danced freely with the wind.

There was a hint of Paradise in the garden, and after what was unnecessary was removed, a light rain began to fall. The grass could finally reach out and be refreshed by the cool mist, and the little drops of God's grace could be taken in.

"Everything growing from the earth, bless the Lord;
Praise and exult Him above all forever." ~Daniel 3:76

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