Sunday, December 4, 2011

Second Sunday of Advent

"Wait for the LORD, take courage;
be stouthearted, wait for the LORD!"
~Ps. 27


December is full of waiting. Waiting for letters, waiting for the semester to be over, waiting for relatives to arrive, waiting for trains and planes to depart, waiting in shopping lines, waiting for snow, waiting for the next adventure...
...waiting for that one day that everyone looks forward to.

I'm not exempt from the waiting game. It usually drives me nuts in the long run when nothing seems to be happening and I know I can't do anything to make it happen faster.
Something's about to happen...I know it will it happen...?!?!

Then God laughs at me and drops the Psalm into my lap.
Waiting does take courage. It can even hurt having to stay in one place for so long a time when you long to be in another. You have to swallow your pride and accept the fact that you can't do or have something. You have to stop yourself from asking at the top of your lungs, "WHEN God??"

But...While I'm waiting, there's so much time to grow. Just because I'm waiting, that doesn't mean that I can't do anything to prepare. Maybe I'm not given this time to "wait" per se, but instead to grow and prepare for what God has planned up the road. Maybe this state of waiting is where He wants me for now.

Trusting God isn't always easy (actually, is it ever?), but He always pulls through. Even if the Israelites waited how many years for their Savior, it all worked out in the end. Hopefully waiting this time around won't take as long, but even if it does, at least there's a reason.

1 comment:

  1. Funny how the absence of a 'like' button forces us to actually put our thoughts into words. :) Very true Cy, I love reading your thoughts, it's like I can get to know you just a little bit better! :D Nice picture too! I wonder who that is! XD
