Between the pile of homework and adventures that college dished out and the lemons and lemonade of life, sat this itty-bitty blog. Waiting, begging to be updated. "Well honestly, there are so many blogs out there, who really cares what I post? Nobody comes here anyway," said the college girl despite the visitors' counter that said otherwise.
And maybe no one will. But maybe I should take up writing again.
Maybe someone needs to know the daily struggles of a young Catholic.
Because really, how often do you get a story from a young, Catholic blogger who's apparently been around since 2006? Who used to spend her spare time discerning a religious vocation, left Honolulu for Ohio to find herself, discerned out by the grace of God, found her dearest friend and companion, finished her degree at Franciscan University, got married young, and is now attempting to figure out life as a wife in DC? I'd be intrigued.
So here's the stuff that drives me crazy. And this is how God's Truth, Goodness, and Beauty redeems it each time.
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