Saturday, June 30, 2012

There and Back Again?

Sorry for the previous rant. Kind of just needed to write something.

But I suppose now's a good time as any to pick up blogging again. Who knows who comes here might just be an empty space to let my thoughts echo, but perhaps the echos might just reach a passing ear or two.

In any case, now that it's summer (and thus more free time!) I'd say it's time for a little fun. =D And so dear anonymous reader, I (re)welcome you to the little blog of a young, Catholic woman trying to find herself in the world today. Thanks for dropping by, do you prefer peppermint tea or green?

Friday, June 29, 2012

Government Fail.

Seriously? Has it really come to this? Has an unconstitutional law just been passed as "constitutional"? 


 When something breaks, do we solve the problem by throwing it away?
According to enrichment journal on the divorce rate in America: The divorce rate in America for first marriage is 41% The divorce rate in America for second marriage is 60% The divorce rate in America for third marriage is 73% Stats found here.

 When we have a "problem" we get rid of it.

We like to avoid "problems." But guess what? Avoiding the problem doesn't solve it.

We try to tell the world how bad things have become and are told to mind our own business. Mind my own business. Excuse me, but which generation encouraged this mess? As a young person who now has to live with all of this, this IS my business. I have to live with everything that's happening, and so do you.

And when we try to save what we have and try to fix them, we're called old fashioned. Yes, if keeping to morality is being old fashioned, then that's exactly what I am.

But do you know who else was?
Do you remember who this man is?

Or this man?

Or any of these?
Do you think they would have approved of the recent decision? They did, after all, write the constitution itself.

So. What have we come to, America? When did we trade in our morals for our selfish wants? When did morality become known as immorality?